Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 2007 - Chit Chat

I have been told by a number of members of this organization that I should have included some information in the last newsletter which I did not. So let me make up for it now. Congratulations to Marie Markowski, NDCCA Treasurer who became a grandmother for the first time in the last week of August - a baby boy to her oldest daughter… I hope everyone enjoyed the Columbus Day Parade on September 30. The bands were magnificent and the marchers were very enthusiastic. Standing on the sunny side of the street, I even picked up a little sunburn. Thank you to Borough President James Molinaro for bringing this event to our community each year. And a thank you to Deidre D’Angelis, Principal of New Dorp High School, for the use of her facility to stage the marchers and host the Italian Heritage event preceding the parade… There is an enormous structure being constructed at Bache and Edison, a building which is truly out of character with the surrounding housing. Yet despite the zoning changes that were enacted to slow down the growth in our neighborhoods, these ghastly structures are still legal and there is little that we can do to prevent them. As we said years ago – and testified to the NY City Council – our corners are being bought up by community facilities and turned into medical centers due to the increased available parking on the streets… And as we mentioned last month. there is much for us to keep an eye on in our community. There is the former Waldbaum’s /Franks property. Now that it is not going to be a Target… what will become of it? Do we really need another stripmall? There is the developing structure at New Dorp Lane and Edison – the old Welsh property. We are watching as the structures there take shape – two structures... We now have a magnificent park down by the beach. Will we be able to get the commitment from the Federal government to keep the waterfront clean and usable or will we need to tiptoe carefully through garbage and other junk on the beach? And what can we do to support the second phase of the New Dorp Beach project that will create the bikepath linking Midland and Great Kills Parks? And speaking of the new park, did you get a chance to experience it this summer? If not, its still there. Go check it out!... Want to get more involved with your community and our organization? You can make a difference. There are a number of other ways you can contribute by joining or chairing a committee. Call 718-979-6011 and let us know that you are interested. Call today!... A special thanks to Barbara Sanchez – our Webmaster – who has helped us get the blog up and working. We would not be where we are without her. Thanks again!!... Interested in running for public office, the League of Women Voters will sponsor six sessions at CSI beginning Oct16. For additional information call 212-725-3541… and lastly, congratulation to NDCCA members Alex and Candida Finkelstein who recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Yep… 70!!!... Wow… congrats!


  1. Do we know what the zoning is for the Bache & Edison corner building? I live between Edison & Clawson on Bache and I'm seeing this thing built, and I'm concerned about what it will be. Isnt there enough doctors offices on these two blocks already?

  2. The new building going up will contain a "community facility" (medical office) and therefore is subject to a different set of criteria than a purely residential building. Because once upon a time it was valuable to have a doctor in the neighborhood, there are special privileges attached to medical offices in the neighborhood. And a doctor in the neighborhood is still a good thing. However, a "doctor's office" has now become a medical facility and they can do much more. The Councilman's office is working with the Department of Buildings to ensure that everything done there is legitimate but the bottom line is that monstrosity can probably remain on that corner.
