Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Meeting Thursday Night - November 18

Greetings. The elections are past and we have a few new representatives working on our behalf and a good number of returning electeds. Let’s hope they can all learn to work together and do good things for us.

As all of you experienced last month, the newsletter arrived in your mailbox a little late. Fortunately that has not happened many times over the years … but it did happen last month. My apologies. Remember, you can always find information on our upcoming meetings by checking our website. However we are determined to make sure that you receive your newsletter in time to prepare yourself to attend our meeting.

I want to extend a special thank you to our guest speaker last month. Meg Ventrudo – the Executive Director of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art - shared with us the history of the museum and some artifacts from its collection. It was an interesting look at another treasure of Staten Island.

This month our guest speaker will be Elisabetta O’Connnor who will be talking to us about the Million TreesNYC Initiative. MillionTreesNYC, one of the 127 PlaNYC initiatives, is a citywide, public-private program with an ambitious goal: to plant and care for one million new trees across the City's five boroughs over the next decade. By planting one million trees, New York City can increase its urban forest—our most valuable environmental asset made up of street trees, park trees, and trees on public, private and commercial land—by an astounding 20%, while achieving the many quality-of-life benefits that come with planting trees.

Just a reminder, our dues notices for the 2011 year have been mailed. We rely on your support to keep the Association going and involved in this community. Your support is vital both through your dues and donations. The support of various merchants and entrepreneurs help to finance our newsletter. Let us know if you are aware of a business in our community that would like to be represented in our newsletter. (Renewed already? Look for your asterisk in next month’s newsletter.)

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your observations, your compliments, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind? Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

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