Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meeting Thursday December 16, 2010

Greetings ... although Winter is still technically a few days away, the weather outside has been closer to frightful than delightful considering what we expect at this time of year. But then again, what can we do about the weather except adjust to it.

It is the holiday season. After we deal with any new or old business at our meeting this month, we will be spending some time sharing good cheer, good conversation and enjoying each other’s company. In past years we would do a little gift exchange but we are once again replacing that with our collection of supplies for our troops, something we started last Christmas. So come to the meeting on Thursday December 16 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post … bring some goodies for our troops (you will find a list of suggestions elsewhere in this newsletter) … and spend some time with us. Good times with good friends and neighbors.

Did I mention bring a neighbor?

Just a reminder, our dues notices for the 2011 year have been mailed. We rely on your support to keep the Association going and involved in this community. Your support is vital both through your dues and donations. The support of various merchants and entrepreneurs helps to finance our newsletter. Let us know if you are aware of a business in our community that would like to be represented in our newsletter.

And a reminder … there will be no meeting in January. Our first meeting in 2011 will be on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 8pm. So mark your calendars now and let one of your New Year’s resolutions be to become more involved in your community and hopefully this organization. Look for our newsletter in January and check us out on the blog.

Never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your observations, your compliments, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind? Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

Lastly and as I’ve mentioned quite a bit lately, I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

Joe Markowski, President

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Meeting Monday Night - 12/13 - re Brush Fire Protection

Borough President James P. Molinaro, Councilman James S. Oddo, Councilman Vincent Ignizio, and local officials would like you to join with them at a Town Hall Meeting on Monday, December 13, 2010 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at the Knights of Columbus, 185 Cedar Grove Avenue to speak out about the inefficient brush fire prevention methods currently in place with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and to help devise a new solution to this permanent problem.

Plan now to attend.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hylan Blvd Transportation Improvement Study Meeting

The MTA of New York City Transit and the NYC Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting concerning the Hylan Boulevard Transportation Improvement Study.

The meeting will be Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 1830-2030 (630pm-830pm) in the Regency Room of The Renaissance at 2131 Hylan Boulevard.

This is a public meeting where you can come and learn about the goals and objectives of the study, examine display boards and talk with project team members, and voice your concerns and issues regarding transit service, traffic conditions, pedestrian safety, and curb use on Hylan Boulevard.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Lights !!!

The Lane is adorned with rows of Christmas Lights.

Lots of lights celebrating the season.

Make sure you get a peek of them at night.

They are a marvelous sight!

> Joe

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Meeting Thursday Night - November 18

Greetings. The elections are past and we have a few new representatives working on our behalf and a good number of returning electeds. Let’s hope they can all learn to work together and do good things for us.

As all of you experienced last month, the newsletter arrived in your mailbox a little late. Fortunately that has not happened many times over the years … but it did happen last month. My apologies. Remember, you can always find information on our upcoming meetings by checking our website. However we are determined to make sure that you receive your newsletter in time to prepare yourself to attend our meeting.

I want to extend a special thank you to our guest speaker last month. Meg Ventrudo – the Executive Director of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art - shared with us the history of the museum and some artifacts from its collection. It was an interesting look at another treasure of Staten Island.

This month our guest speaker will be Elisabetta O’Connnor who will be talking to us about the Million TreesNYC Initiative. MillionTreesNYC, one of the 127 PlaNYC initiatives, is a citywide, public-private program with an ambitious goal: to plant and care for one million new trees across the City's five boroughs over the next decade. By planting one million trees, New York City can increase its urban forest—our most valuable environmental asset made up of street trees, park trees, and trees on public, private and commercial land—by an astounding 20%, while achieving the many quality-of-life benefits that come with planting trees.

Just a reminder, our dues notices for the 2011 year have been mailed. We rely on your support to keep the Association going and involved in this community. Your support is vital both through your dues and donations. The support of various merchants and entrepreneurs help to finance our newsletter. Let us know if you are aware of a business in our community that would like to be represented in our newsletter. (Renewed already? Look for your asterisk in next month’s newsletter.)

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your observations, your compliments, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind? Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meeting Thursday October 21

I want to extend a special thank you to our guest speaker last month - Sylvia d’Alessandro from the Sandy Ground Historical Society. Ms. D’Alessandro gave us a wonderful overview of an important part of Staten Island history, a part that is sadly neglected. We heard about a unique part of NY and Staten Island history and you can learn more by visiting their museum here on Staten Island.

This month we will look at another unique part of Staten Island. Most of us are aware of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art … but few of us have actually journeyed up Lighthouse Hill to visit it. Have you wondered about that place? Come to our meeting and hear first hand about the museum and its offerings from the Executive Director – Meg Ventrudo.

Come join us at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road at 8pm.

I hope to see you then.

> Joe Markowski

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cedar Grove Beach Tour - 9/26/2010

What: Free Guided Tour of Cedar Grove Beach Community, New Dorp Beach
When: Sunday, September 26th, 4p.m.
Where: Foot of Ebbitts Street, New Dorp Beach

The Preservation League of Staten Island is providing a FREE guided tour of the Cedar Grove Beach Community on Sunday, September 26th , 4p.m. with Architect and Historian , Josh Jacobs. Meet at corner of Ebbits Street and Cedar Grove.

This is the last surviving beach community in NYC and NYC Parks plans to demolish it and this may be your last chance to see it! It is eligible for NY Sate and National Landmarking.

Please R.S.V.P and for more info (718) 877-7367 or Meet at the foot of Ebbits Street, New Dorp 4p.m.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sandy Ground & Cedar Grove

When you missed our meeting last Thursday you missed an exciting and informative night.

Sylvia D’Allessandro provided us with a history of Sandy Ground. She walked us through its foundation until current times. She brought a number of artifacts for us to look at and touch and invited everyone to visit their museum for further information on this unique community. The museum does a lot of outreach to civic groups and schools throughout the city.

We also had a full discussion on the Cedar Grove Beach Club and Parks Department’s planned eviction of the current tenants of that site at the end of this month. Since our meeting the residents and supporters of the CGBC have rallied on the steps of City Hall, had their photo taken with Mayor Bloomberg and stirred up a lot of discussion on this upcoming change. Most frustrating is the lack of a clear plan for why the Parks Department is doing it now and where they will secure the funding for whatever it is that they plan on doing there. We have already seen their reduced level of support for the New Dorp Beach Park. The care of the plants in that park deteriorated dramatically this past summer. If Parks cannot maintain the level of support for the current Park, how will they be able to take on additional responsibilities for creating a new park in Cedar Grove?

What do you think?

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Ends and We Move On

Greetings. Well we have come to the end of a long, long, hot, hot, dry, dry summer. According to the newspaper I read this morning (yep, a good old-fashioned newspaper ) this summer was the hottest summer on record … since they started keeping records back in the 1860s. We often here about how summer’s used to be in “the old days”. Well, everyone got to taste how it “used to be in the old days”. Now the question is … did you enjoy it? I must admit I am not thrilled by everyone’s brown lawn. But … so it goes.

Our guest speaker this month will be Sylvia d’Alessandro from the Sandy Ground Historical Society. If we take a look at Wikipedia we see the following:

After slavery was abolished in the State of New York in 1827, freedmen from all over the state, as well as far away as Maryland and Virginia, settled in the area known since colonial times as Sandy Ground, which was located in the area around what is now the intersection of Bloomingdale and Woodrow Roads in Rossville. These early settlers were skilled in the oyster trade, and brought this knowledge with them to Staten Island. Oyster harvesting was a major business on Staten Island during the 19th century and was mainly conducted on the island's south shore. The area of Prince's Bay was the main hub and was within walking distance from Sandy Ground. Sandy Ground also served as an important stop on the Underground Railroad, and is the oldest continuously settled free black community in the United States.[

So come hear about a unique part of NY and Staten Island history.

As we all return from vacation and focus once again on our community, what are the things you are curious about? What are the things you are furious about? What should we be focusing on this upcoming year? What things do we worry about, but shouldn’t? What don’t we worry about enough? Who would you like to hear from this coming year? Share your thoughts, concerns, needs, desires. Start talking to us. It is your / opur neighborhood. What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it? What do you wish we had more of? What do you wish we had less of?

We all need to get involved in a discussion of our neighborhood and the things that make you want to live here. What are we missing?

Our dues notices for the 2011 year will be mailed real soon. We rely on your support to keep the Association going and involved in this community. Your support is vital both through your dues and donations. The support of various merchants and entrepreneurs help finance our newsletter.

Keep checking our blog. Plan on attending a meeting. Join us for one of our “Dining Through New Dorp” meals. Volunteer some time on one of our committees. Get involved. It’s (y)our community!

Plan on attending our meeting and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind? Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.
See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hylan Plaza Update

I wanted to share some good news with you. At our last meeting attended by representatives from Kimco Realty I mentioned the peeling paint that was falling from the protective overhang in the Hylan Plaza. .. particularly in the area of the CVS and Telco stores.

I was notified today by Josh Weinkranz of Kimco that the unhealthy situation had been corrected. He even supplied four photos to substantiate the claim. So I rode by that space this morning and can confirm that the overhang in that section of the Plaza has been cleared and repainted. Nice job Kimco. It is good to know that they are listening to us and will work to correct the situations that they can.

The Advance attended the meeting and I had hoped for more details of the Kimco-Kohl’s presentation in the Advance meeting recap on Friday… but that did not happen. Perhaps they are saving that for a larger article in the future.

What was also mentioned is that Toys-R-Us will be moving back into their store in the corner of the plaza. It is unknown at this time whether it will contain a Babies-R-Us component. But that was interesting to hear.

We need more businesses and less empty stores.

Just wanted to share this info with you.

Make sure you share with us the things you are hearing.

Contact us on this blog … via email at … or by snailmail to POBox 0600245 at 10314 … or by phone to 718-979-6011.

Stay in touch … and share your info.

> Joe Markowski

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Meeting Recap - Kimco, Kohl's and Elections

We had a terrific meeting on Thursday night.

First, the current slate of officers was re-elected. Congratulations and thank you to each of them for all the hard work they do on behalf of this association. Who am I talking about?

THOMAS COFFEY, Executive Vice President
JOHN DONOVAN, Senior Vice President
RONALD S. COLE, Secretary
RINA PIZZA, Assistant Treasurer
THERESA TROIANO, Corresponding Secretary
KENNETH LUND, Recording Secretary
VINCENT MARTIRE, Financial Secretary
Board of Advisors: ANN MARIE FINNERTY

Then we had a presentation plus a question and answer period involving the property on New Dorp Lane and Mill Road, formerly occupied by A&P/Waldbaums/Franks’s.

Who was there? The Project Manager Ethan Goodman, Geoff Glazer and Joshua Weinkranz from Kimco Realty and a representative from Kohl’s –Scott Berkes. They shared with us a copy of the site plan and a view of how the exterior of the building will look.

There is still a good amount of work to do and they have not yet made an official filing. And although the site plan is for a retail establishment and technically not for Kohl’s, the representation of the exterior of the building depicted the Kohl’s name and Scott Berkes answered our questions. (He flew in from Milwaukee to represent Kohl’s so draw your own conclusions.)

We will keep in touch with Kimco throughout this process. Should you have any questions please send them to me and I will work to get an answer from Kimco and Kohl’s.

Lastly I thanked Kimco and Kohl’s for coming to our meeting to share their vision and answer our questions. More companies and organizations should do that earlier in the process. It could make a lot of these proposals and projects proceed more smoothly.

Our next meeting will be Thursday September 16. Enjoy the summer. However our neighborhood remains important to us. So make sure you share what you hear with us either through this blog or email to or at 718-979-6011 or to us at PO Box 060245.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kohl's, NY1, Fitness, Music and Miscellany

Just a reminder… our meeting is Thursday night and our guest speakers will be talking about the former A&P/Frank’s property and the current plans by Kimco Realty to bring in a Kohl’s Department store. Our meeting is 8pm. Kells-Grennie American Legion Post. June 17.

I hope you caught our segment on NY1 tonight on the quarter-hour about the New Dorp Lane property. Joe Malvasio of NY1 interviewed BP Jim Molinaro and Chamber of Commerce’s Linda Baran about the Kohl’s plans and both were supportive. (It will probably be replayed over the next couple of days so look for it.) Yours truly also said a few words in support of the project. We need a place to shop. We need the jobs in our community. We need the tax revenue a good store would generate.

Wednesday night – June 16 - the 122 Precinct Community Council meets at the 122 Precinct. Do you have an issue that the NYPD should be aware of? Bring your issue to that meeting. 8pm. 2320 Hylan Blvd.

Councilman Oddo informs us that the Dept of Parks and Recreation is providing free fitness classes called “Shape Up NYC” at the Greenbelt Recreation center. You can get further information at

Borough President Molinaro reminds us that he will once again be providing free summer concerts in our beautiful parks. You can get more specifics at the BP’s website

Lastly, I had asked what was happening in our neighborhood. Well, here are some of the comments we received:

- have we heard anything about the speed bumps for Rose Avenue?
- concern about the future of Cedar Grove Beach if the city has its way
- a Kitchen & Bath is opening on the Lane next to the car alarm shop
- The French Tart has closed
- rumors of a Red Lobster and/or Trader Joe’s looking for a spot in the neighborhood
- with the closing of the Sovereign Bank ATM, will they continue to support the parking lot? Or will it become expendable?
- Cedar Grove residents have been given until the end of the summer
- there will be new voting machines in November
- the New Dorp Beach athletic field has been fenced off but little work seems to be happening
- more deer sightings on Richmond Road
- and the trash cans do not appear to be getting emptied as frequently.

What have you heard? Let’s get some conversation started.

What did you hear? Let us know.

Email us at or call us at 718-979-6011.
And stop by our meeting Thursday night. I hope to see you there.

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Meeting This Thursday - Find Out About the Former Frank's Property

Greetings friends and neighbors. As we near the end of the school semester, the beginning of Summer and all the wonderful things that it brings, I can’t help but be excited by the upcoming months. As you know, this will be our last meeting until September. (Summer is a special time for all.)

I must confess that the latest edition of our newsletter is short and a little late in getting out. My fault. I thought I had until this week to get this to the printer and out to you. Wrong. It should have been delivered to the printer two days earlier than it was so I’m hoping it will make it to you in time for our meeting. My apologies. This information will reach our blog at but I’m not sure the newsletter will arrive in your mailbox in time. If it doesn’t, call 718-979-6011 and I will make sure I update you on our June meeting.

Why is June important? We have our elections for the Association’s officers for the next year. All the current officers are running for re-election. That’s part of it.

But much more importantly we will have a couple of special speakers at our June meeting. A representative from Kimco Realty and from Kohl’s Department Store will be at our June meeting to share with us their plans for the former A&P/Frank’s property along New Dorp Lane. Do you have questions? Concerns? Or are you happy that a large quality store will be coming to our neighborhood? Whatever your feeling, come to the meeting… listen to our speakers… ask your questions… and then form your opinion.

I want to extend a thank you to Kimberly Brown for her presentation last month about Island Shopres Senior Residence and all the enhancements that are occurring there. (And a special thanks to Tom Coffey who chaired the meeting and made sure it was an informative and enjoyable experience for all.)

Plan on attending our meeting and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?
Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

Joe Markowski

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ok... What's New?

Its been some time since I've been here. Sorry. Very busy at work and home.

But that doesn't mean nothing has been happening in the neighborhood!

So tell me.

What has been happening?

What have you heard?

Any good rumors lately?

Speak up... share!

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meeting Thursday May 20

Greetings friends and neighbors. Well… help me out. Is it spring? Summer? Autumn? The weather has been so variable and changeable that I’m not sure where we are in the march of the seasons. Perhaps a glance at the calendar would help.

A special thank you to Tom Cocola who spent a challenging evening with us last month as we regaled him with tales about our concerns involving the streets and transportation.

Our guest speaker this month will be from Island Shores Senior Residence in Midland Beach. Ms. Kimberly Brown handles Community Outreach. She would like to say a little about their upcoming renovations. As the only senior housing facility near to New Dorp, their building renovations will make their facility more welcoming for seniors who are in need of housing. Their accommodations are unique because residents can receive in-house medical care but still have their freedom and enjoy an amazing ocean view.

We will also be accepting nominations for the various officer positions within the organization. Elections are scheduled for June. Get involved.

Next month we will have a special presentation on the plans for the former Frank’s Nursery/ A&P property. Come and both hear and see what is planned for that space. And it’s not a flea market!

As I’ve been mentioning for some time, a walk up and down the Lane and the Plaza clearly shows the strain that our commercial district is under. A recent article in the Advance focused on the arrival of stores and businesses usually associated with downtrodden or falling neighborhoods. These are trying times and our neighborhood is hurting. Look for opportunities to spend your money in New Dorp. Every little bit helps.

Plan on attending a meeting and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it. Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?
Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Requiem for a Heavyweight - John Sampson

Our community has been in the news a lot lately. And most of it has not been flattering. But I don't want to dwell on that now. I will get to those things in the next blog entries.

Right now I want to pay testimony to a unique individual who passed away on Friday - a one of a kind gentlemen - perhaps the last of his kind - John Sampson.

The Staten Island Advance had a nice writeup about him and I am reproducing it here.

John Sampson, 101 .... By Kiawana Rich

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - John (Jack) Sampson of New Dorp, a consummate newsman and author who began his 50-year career as a reporter at the Staten Island Advance, died yesterday in Staten Island University Hospital, Prince’s Bay. His age was 101.

Mr. Sampson’s own news story began when he distributed his handwritten circular on the Island after moving to New Dorp with his family from Liverpool, England, when he was 12 years old.

His first daily newspaper job came in 1926 at the Advance, where he worked for two years.

“I was very young and the paper had just been acquired by S.I. Newhouse,” Mr. Sampson said in an Advance article on Nov. 18, 1984. “I needed a job and the editor of the time, a dignified fellow named Chauncey DePew, was kind enough to a young writer.”

He later was a a shipping reporter for the New York American, working alongside such legends as Damon Runyon and Arthur Brisbane until the paper folded, then worked in London on Fleet Street for the Daily Mail, Associated Press of Great Britain and other publications. He also was a correspondent in Washington, New York and London for British newspapers.

Some of his favorite assignments were wartime conferences between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt during the 1940s, the Kennedy administration and the space program.

In the 1950s, he worked for the Daily Mirror, then joined the staff of the London Sun when it was taken over by Rupert Murdoch. He became New York bureau chief for the London Daily Herald, a post he held until retiring in 1974.

Known for his 1950s-style horned-rim glasses and slight English accent, he preferred writing features, especially interviews with notables, including Marilyn Monroe, Ernest Hemingway, Somerset Maugham and boxer Jack Johnson.

Mr. Sampson loved animals — at one time having as many as 12 cats, including his pet cat Tiger. “More than anything he enjoyed being home with a book and having two cats draped around his neck,” said his friend of 45 years, Nerina Martire.

And he treasured books, having a collection of more than 3,000 volumes.

The books he wrote often explored his personal experiences as well as international and political intrigue. They included “In the Light of Thought,”“Masquerade in Port-Cros: A Romance of the Cote d’Azur,” and “A Tempest in Venice,” and sometimes used local settings in Egbertville and New Dorp.

Mr. Sampson liked an uncomplicated story: “I want to be entertaining. Once you start thinking of a message or a moral, you get away from the pleasure of writing.”

After all his travels, he returned to New Dorp, where a favorite pastime was a daily morning stroll through Moravian Cemetery.

A self-taught man who attended Curtis High School for a year, Mr. Sampson often joked with friends that he attended the “University of Shakespeare and other 18th century English authors,” none of whom had attended college.

In 2008, his extensive body of work was archived at the College of Staten Island.

“John’s career as a journalist reflected many changes in journalism from the 1920s to the 1970s,” Professor John A. Kaser told the Advance in a Sept. 12, 2008 article recognizing Mr. Sampson’s 100th birthday and the archive created in his name — boxes of his personal papers, newspaper clippings, historic photos, written correspondence and other chronicles for CSI.

Kaser noted that Mr. Sampson had worked under three titans of the newspaper world, S.I. Newhouse, William Randolph Hearst and Rupert Murdoch.

“John’s life really reflects what I term the final days of the culture of literacy,” he said.

Mr. Sampson was a member of the New Dorp Central Civic Association.

“On one hand, he was a sophisticated man who traveled the world during his long career,” said his friend, Mrs. Martire. “On the other hand, he had a childlike innocence — a sense of wonder which was so endearing.”

The funeral will be Monday from the Hanley Funeral Home, New Dorp, with a mass at 10:30 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Richmond. Burial will be in St. Andrew’s Cemetery, also Richmond.

(Note: I made one change, namely, to our association's name.)

Jack lived a full life and many of us are better for having met him.

Jack... I sip a glass of sherry tonight in your honor.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Meeting Thursday April 15

Greetings friends and neighbors. I don’t know about you but the past few months have been brutal from a weather perspective. Sure we had a wonderful Easter weekend. But when I think back at the snowstorms followed by the rain and the terrible rainstorm which ripped up our neighborhood, I am looking forward to some nice boring predictable weather.

Our guest speaker this month will be Department of Transportation Borough Commissioner Tom Cocola. Mr.Cocola will be talking to us about the traffic situation in New Dorp with emphasis on the Safe Streets for Seniors program that was first implemented in our community.

Next month we will have a special presentation on the plans for the former Frank’s Nursery/ A&P property. Come and both hear and see what is planned for that space. And it’s not a flea market!

What about the Lane Theatre/ Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club? Been there? What do you think about it? Any recommendations?

Did you remember to complete and send in your census form? It is the only way we can ensure that we get what we are entitled to.

And you are aware of the upcoming hearings on the water rate hikes and the Charter Commission Revision hearings… right? Get involved. Read up on these things. Your future, your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future will be impacted by these things.

As mentioned last month, walk up and down the Lane and the Plaza. I have not seen this many empty stores in a decade. Many people are being careful with their money as they wonder about their jobs or continue searching for jobs. As long as the credit markets remain cautious the stores will reopen slowly as more of our people weigh very carefully the wisdom of opening a new endeavor. These are trying times. Look for opportunities to spend your money in New Dorp. Every little bit helps.

And I’m not even going to talk about our roads again. That too is getting a good amount of publicity. Moonscapes. Roads that were recently fixed are already cratered. Seams where new roads were joined together are scarred with holes. What happened? Yes, I know it snowed. It snows every year. Never before have I seen such widespread cratering. What gives? Has the mixture of asphalt they use changed over the past year? Or are the crews less skilled ? Or are they more rushed? Why is every trip down the road a challenge?

Plan on attending a meeting and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?
Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Meeting Thursday March 18... but until then !

Greetings friends and neighbors. Our guest speaker this month will be Linda Perez from NY Methodist Hospital. She will be speaking to us about the warning signs of stroke, something about which we all need more awareness. Whether it’s your own health, someone in your family or a neighbor, it is important that we recognize the warning signs early and take action quickly. Come. Protect yourself. Learn.

Next month our guest speaker will be Department of Transportation Borough Commissioner Tom Cocola. Mr.Cocola will be talking to us about the traffic situation in New Dorp with emphasis on the Safe Streets for Seniors program that was first implemented in our community.

There are three things I would like to talk about briefly.

First, Spring cannot get here too quickly. Enough of winter. Enough of snow… at least from my perspective. I enjoy the seasons. Each has its own special characteristic. Yet this winter seemed to drag on and on and the late season snowstorms made it all that more oppressive. (And when Groundhog Day comes next year I’m thinking I will need to very carefully measure the indication given by Staten Island Chuck. He wasn’t even close this year.)

Second, we seriously need for our economy to pick up. Walk up and down the Lane and the Plaza. I have not seen this many empty stores in a decade. Many people are being careful with their money as they wonder about their jobs or continue searching for jobs. As long as the credit markets remain cautious the stores will reopen slowly as more of our people weigh very carefully the wisdom or opening a new endeavor. These are trying times. Look for opportunities to spend your money in New Dorp.

Third, I cannot remember when our roads have been in such poor shape. Moonscapes. Roads that were recently fixed are already cratered. Seams where new roads were joined together are scarred with holes. What happened? Yes, I know it snowed. It snows every year. Never before have I seen such widespread cratering. What gives? Has the mixture of asphalt they use changed over the past year? Or are the crews less skilled ? Or are they more rushed? Why is every trip down the road a challenge?

We need to look beyond the “traditional walls” that define our association. Meetings and newsletters remain a vibrant part of our outreach. However we recognize that there are new ways that we must reach out if we are to remain relevant in our community. Check out our newly updated and redesigned webpage at Along with and our email account at We are reachable in many ways. Oh yes, our telephone still works at 718-979-6011 or our Post Office box at PO Box 060245, SI, NY 10306.

Plan on attending a meeting and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

Lastly, never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?
Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.

Joe Markowski

Monday, February 15, 2010

Meeting on Thursday 2/18

As I wrote these words I was thinking back to Staten Island Chuck’s claim on Groundhog’s Day that we will only have two more weeks of winter. Well between the last storm and the fact that it is snowing again, what am I to think of Chuck? Thank goodness that by the time our meeting rolls around on Thursday, February 18, 2010 we will be rolling in Spring. As per Chuck!

It will be our first meeting for 2010. Mark your calendars. Plan on attending and bring a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

Our guest speaker this month is Juliette Lewis from the Consumer Affairs Dept of ConEdison. Ms. Lewis will share a presentation with us that focuses on efficient use of electricity. In this day and age we need to consider every opportunity to save money.

Future speakers will be Linda Perez in March from NY Methodist Hospital speaking about the warning signs of stroke and DOT Boro Commissioner Tom Cocola in April speaking about the traffic situation in New Dorp.

So what’s been happening? Councilman James Oddo relocated to South Avenue and we attended his Civic Roundtable in January where Mr.Oddo introduced us to his staff, updated us on the budget challenges the city faces, possible FDNY closures, MTA service cuts and more water rate hikes.

What else? The MTA will hold hearings March 2 at CSI concerning the upcoming service cuts. Yes, I know. You think it is a waste of time and that their minds are made up. And although that may be true, it is definitely true that no things will be changed if no one comments or complains. Let your voice be heard. Attend the hearing. Speak up!

As mentioned last month we will continue collecting useful items for our troops. See the list elsewhere in this newsletter and give us a call. We will even pick them up.

I would like to have a few people who take public transportation (buses, trains, ferry) serve as our eyes and ears and share their experiences with us so we can advocate on behalf of improved transportation in our area. If you would be willing to participate, call 718-979-6011 and leave your name and number and we will reach out to you.

We need to look beyond the “traditional walls” that define our association. Meetings and newsletters remain a vibrant part of our outreach. Our blog recognizes that there are new ways that we must reach out if we are to remain relevant in our community.

Never forget that an important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?
Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment on the blog. Check us out at for continuous updates.

Lastly, I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound. Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood.
Joe Markowski

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Update on "Safe Streets for Seniors" by DOT Borough Commissioner Tom Cocola

At this morning’s CB2 meeting of the Aging Committee, DOT Borough Commissioner Tom Cocola gave us an update on the preliminary results of the “Safe Streets for Seniors” program. Based on the initial stats the number of pedestrian and vehicular injuries over the first eleven months of 2009 were significantly lower than the average over the preceding six years.

Specifically, there were 9 pedestrian injuries in 2009 in this area compared with the average of 18 from 2003 to 2008 – a decrease of 50%. And there were 53 vehicular injuries versus an average of 100 per year – a decrease of 47%.

Clearly the numbers show a wonderful improvement within the areas impacted by this “Safe Streets for Seniors” initiative.

There was also discussion of the choice of bollards used in this project, as well as studies currently being conducted near various schools in our area and discussion of the tragedy on Thanksgiving Eve by Our Lady Queen of Peace Church.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010... This and That... Outreach... and You!

Happy New Year! I hope you had an enjoyable holiday season. I know I had a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season.

As we move into 2010 I want to remind you that we will not have a meeting in January. We will be putting out a newsletter and our first meeting for 2010 will be on Thursday, February 18, 2010. Mark your calendars and plan on attending and bringing a neighbor. Can’t you give two hours a month to your community? Think about it.

So what’s been happening? Councilman Oddo relocated to South Avenue, Uncle Vinnies Comedy Club continues bringing laughter to our neighborhood, the new cafes on New Dorp Plaza – Andrew’s and Domenick’s – are offering fine foods, Ocean3 has been replaced by Francesca’s Steak House, winter has delivered us some very cold weather, and there are a host of programs being offered for our entertainment and to expand our knowledge.

Over the next few days we will be talking about those and other topics. What should you do if you see a deer in our neighborhood? Has Gene’s Deli really closed? Have the changes on Hylan Blvd made that road safer to cross? What will become of Cedar Grove?

And did you notice the interview with Theresa Myrhol on the NYPL’s web page? Remember Theresa? She managed our branch library on New Dorp Lane for years and is now the Seward Park Library Network Manager. Theresa makes an interesting observation when she states: “One has to think beyond the traditional four walls of the library. Embracing the opportunities that social networking brings is essential. It is a vehicle that fosters new relationships with users while strengthening existing partnerships. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and video will continue to shape and expand ways to share the wealth of information The New York Public Library has to offer.” We too need to look beyond the “traditional walls” that define our association. Meetings and newsletters remain a vibrant part of our outreach. However as this blog recognizes, there are new ways that we must reach out if we are to remain relevant in our community.

An important part of this dynamic is your feedback and participation. We need your comments, your concerns, your suggestions, your complaints. It is your neighborhood. What is on your mind?

Let us know at 718-979-6011, or comment here on the blog.

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski