Monday, January 1, 2007


What is a Volunteer? by Marie Markowski

We have all just realized no matter how busy we are, how hectic our schedule is or how demanding our job, all that could change in a minute. When the tragedy struck on September 11, 2001 we not only lost husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, relatives, friends and rescue workers we also lost some of our best volunteers. They were our little league, basketball, soccer and football coaches. Boy/Girl Scout leaders, school volunteers (trips, lunch duty etc.), community volunteers (civic leaders, block watchers etc.), church lectors/ushers and people who were dedicated to countless other causes.

We live in a time when everyone is committed to continuous busy schedules. When we are asked to volunteer our first answer is “sorry I don’t have the time now”. Sometime we don’t realize it may only be one day or one hour that is needed. Many people feel they don’t know how to help. We all have gifts that could help others. You have to sit down and ask yourself WHAT AM I GOOD AT. Do I like to meet/greet other people (membership committee for an organization)?

Do I like to read books and newspapers (historian for an organization)?

Do I like to talk on the phone (relay person for an organization)?

Do I like to take pictures (photographer for an organization)?

Do I take good notes (recording secretary for an organization)?

Do I like to write letters or notes (corresponding secretary for an organization)?

Do I like to send cards/notes (sunshine committee for an organization)?

There are endless possibilities. It may be you only have to attend a meeting once a month. Many times the rewards you get back are priceless. You may get to meet new neighbors and even make new friends along the way that will last a lifetime.

We are all asking at this time what can I do to help? Giving Blood and monetary contributions are very worthwhile actions and definitely needed but we should also remember many organizations lost something very precious – VOLUNTEERS - who gave their precious time.

Find an organization, charity, school, church or an event that could use your help and VOLUNTEER."

Opportunities for You to Help NDCCA...
Like every volunteer organization, we need people to help out... if we are going to be able to help out. Remember, we have no paid staff. Everything that gets done gets, done because someone volunteered some time and effort to help you and this community. So I thought I would list some things that we would like to do. If you can volunteer just an hour a month, it will help us accomplish so much more. Call at 979-6011 and let us know how you can help this community. We can use help in these areas:

PHOTOGRAPHER - we need a photographer to capture the moments of our association for our photo albums

MEET AND GREETERS- we need people to go out and greet your neighbors who are non-members; share a few moments with them; give them a copy of our newsletter; tell them what we have done; and invite them to join with us; we are the best bargain in New Dorp for only a buck a month!

GRAFFITI BUSTERS- we need people to give an occasional hour on a Saturday or Sunday to work with our Teens Against Graffiti and help Kitty Masi with our graffiti removal program

LITERATURE COORDINATOR - for our meetings. This individual would have to bring the literature to the meetings, including set up and breakdown, and reach out to various organizations to gather meaningful literature for our members.

So call tonight and become part of the solution !

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