Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cedar Grove Beach Tour - 9/26/2010

What: Free Guided Tour of Cedar Grove Beach Community, New Dorp Beach
When: Sunday, September 26th, 4p.m.
Where: Foot of Ebbitts Street, New Dorp Beach

The Preservation League of Staten Island is providing a FREE guided tour of the Cedar Grove Beach Community on Sunday, September 26th , 4p.m. with Architect and Historian , Josh Jacobs. Meet at corner of Ebbits Street and Cedar Grove.

This is the last surviving beach community in NYC and NYC Parks plans to demolish it and this may be your last chance to see it! It is eligible for NY Sate and National Landmarking.

Please R.S.V.P and for more info (718) 877-7367 or Meet at the foot of Ebbits Street, New Dorp 4p.m.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sandy Ground & Cedar Grove

When you missed our meeting last Thursday you missed an exciting and informative night.

Sylvia D’Allessandro provided us with a history of Sandy Ground. She walked us through its foundation until current times. She brought a number of artifacts for us to look at and touch and invited everyone to visit their museum for further information on this unique community. The museum does a lot of outreach to civic groups and schools throughout the city.

We also had a full discussion on the Cedar Grove Beach Club and Parks Department’s planned eviction of the current tenants of that site at the end of this month. Since our meeting the residents and supporters of the CGBC have rallied on the steps of City Hall, had their photo taken with Mayor Bloomberg and stirred up a lot of discussion on this upcoming change. Most frustrating is the lack of a clear plan for why the Parks Department is doing it now and where they will secure the funding for whatever it is that they plan on doing there. We have already seen their reduced level of support for the New Dorp Beach Park. The care of the plants in that park deteriorated dramatically this past summer. If Parks cannot maintain the level of support for the current Park, how will they be able to take on additional responsibilities for creating a new park in Cedar Grove?

What do you think?

> Joe Markowski