Thursday, December 17, 2009

Meeting Update ! Water, Pouch and Winners !

Wow! What a great meeting tonight. There were representatives from Councilman Oddo’s office – Michelle Melamed - and from Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer’s office – Stanley Mroz.

Mr.Mroz spoke about the threat that upstate drilling could pose to NYC’s water supply. He circulated a petition opposing such drilling.

Greenbelt Conservancy President Kathy Vorwick spoke to us about the urgency of protecting Pouch Camp from development and she urged everyone to call or write to their elected representatives and express their desire to protect all the 140 acres from development. Pouch Camp is a critical piece of the Staten Island Greenbelt.

The membership voted to send letters to our elected officials opposing development of the Pouch Camp property.

The holiday basket was won by Theresa Troiano and the 50/50 was won by Ann Finnerty (not George Vorwick).

Lastly, we collected about 10 bags of goods that we will provide to S.I. Project Homefront for our troops overseas.

Mark your calendars - there will be no meeting in January and we will resume our monthly meetings in February on the 18th.

Look for our newsletter in January and check us out here on the blog regularly.

In the meantime you can share your comments, concerns, information and whatever with us here on the blog or by calling 718-979-6011 or sending an email to

Everyone… Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!

> Joe Markowski

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rose, Cedar and Our Meeting

Just a few quick things...

The speed bump requested for Rose Avenue by the residents of that block was approved by Community Board 2 last night. The concern centers around New Dorp Baptist School and the children who enter and leave that facility. The request will now be forwarded to the Department of Transportation who will conduct their study on the feasability and need for that item.

The letter to Commissioner Benepe of the NYC Department of Parks by our elected officials has not yet been responded to.

And we will be having our monthly meeting Thursday night at 8pm in the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road. During that meeting we will be celebrating the holidays following our conduct of business.

If I don't see you (and even if I do) have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!

> Joe Markowski

Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Electeds Challenge the Commish

The ball now appears to be in the court of the Commissioner of Parks. Our elected officials – Congressman McMahon with Councilmen Jim Oddo, Vin Ignizio and Ken Mitchell – have sent a letter to Commissioner Benepe asking him to delay the eviction order for a minimum of a year.

I wanted to share their request with you. As you can see in the following letter our electeds are in vehement disagreement with this action. Here is their letter:

December 9, 2009

Mr. Adrian Benepe, Commissioner
NYC Parks Department
Central Park – The Arsenal
830 Fifth Avenue
New York , NY 10065

RE: Cedar Grove Beach Club

Dear Commissioner Benepe:
We would like to take this opportunity to address the termination of the license agreements for our constituents in the Cedar Grove Beach Club. As you may or may not remember, we had written you on August 11th requesting a five year extension for the inhabitants. We received your written response on September 18th in which you stated that “once you received a briefing from your legal department you will be able to more fully address this situation”.

Apparently, that briefing has taken place because our constituents received certified letters dated December 1st from Staten Island Parks Borough Commissioner Thomas Paulo informing them that their license agreements have been terminated effective December 31st, 2009. Additionally, New York City Parks is mandating that they remove all of their personal belongings no later than the end of this month.

While we vehemently disagree with your decision to terminate these agreements at this time, it is even more outrageous that the Parks Department is essentially evicting these families with less than one months notice. It is patently unfair to demand that they be expected to remove their personal items during the holiday season. Our constituent Edith Holtermann summed it up perfectly in today’s edition of the Staten Island Advance:
“They are Scrooges to do this at this time of year, when we are so busy and it's so cold there. To go and try and get everything out at this time is so difficult," said Edith Holtermann, who has spent all her 72 summers at Cedar Grove Beach .

As you well know, this community has existed for over 100 years and many of these homes have passed down from generation to generation. You just cannot expect them to pack up all of that history without ample notice. Additionally, we would like to know what exactly NYC Parks has planned for this site. These property owners have maintained these grounds impeccably at their own expense. NYC Parks has been maintaining the adjacent properties ( New Dorp & Oakwood Beach ). We encourage you to go take a look and see who has done a better job. In the same article I referenced above in the Staten Island Advance; a NYC Parks spokesperson stated, “The plans are not ready to release. I do not have the details”.

Therefore, we would like to request that you rescind your termination of these license agreements. The residents should be granted an extension at a minimum of one year with the understanding that NYC Parks is planning to open this property up to the general public in the future. NYC Parks simply needs to communicate with our offices and these residents in a much more open fashion regarding the future of this property. The families that have invested so much to that community deserve a certain level of communication and honesty in return.

We would like to thank you for your re-consideration of this matter and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you regarding the future of this property in greater detail.


Michael E. McMahon Vincent Ignizio
Congressman, NY-13 Councilman, 51st District

James S. Oddo Kenneth C. Mitchell
Councilman, 50th District Councilman, 49th District

CC: SI Borough Commissioner Thomas A. Paulo


How will the commissioner respond?

Share your comments with us.

Comment on this blog, call us at 718-979-6011 and leave a voicemail or email us at

> Joe Markowski

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bullets and Cedar Grove

It seems that news in New Dorp runs in cycles and we are now amidst one of those cycles.

You could talk about bullets being shot through the front windows of two stores across from Miller Field. During the early morning hours. Sure seems strange. Fortunately no one was hurt. But it still seems strange. And there was no cause? No message being sent? It was motiveless?

And then there was the news about the Cedar Grove Beach property and the city’s intention to oust the current tenants and make changes.

My first question is… to what purpose? And other questions come to mind… Why end the leases now? What is the plan for the property? And was it really necessary to give them only 30 days notice to vacate? What are the plans for the property? If this is something that they have been considering for a while then they must have a number of options in mind. Why the secrecy? Telling me that they want to link Oakwood and Midland Beaches tells me little. That is the view from 30,000 feet. But how does that look at the street level? What exactly will happen? What will we see? And how soon? Was it necessary to evict the tenants to achieve those goals? And where will the money come from? Parks did not have enough money to plant a wide variety of flowers in New Dorp Beach Park as they did the first year and they will now be undertaking this?

Yep… still too many questions.

That’s what I think. What do you think?

> Joe Markowski

Friday, December 4, 2009

Library Offerings

The New Dorp Branch Library at 309 New Dorp Lane offers a host of programs for all ages. Make sure you take advantage of these great offerings right here in our neighborhood. What programs you ask?

1. Children’s Programs
- a pre-school program for ages 2.5 to 5 and caregiver on 12/11 at 9am
-“Science of Toys, Play Time!” ages 6 to 12 explores the science behind classic toys – 12/10 at 4pm
- winter stories and movies for ages 4 and older on 12/17 at 4pm
- toddler rhyme time for ages 13mos to 24mos and caregiver 12/18 at 1030am
- “tween scene” – holiday craft for ages 8 to 12 on 12/22 at 4pm

2. SCORE – Service Corps of Retired Executives on 12/15 from 6 to 8pm
- want to start your own business? Want to expand the business you have? Free and confidential business consultations. Call 718-351-2977 to schedule an appointment.

3. Stay Well Exercise Program for Senior Citizens
- an exercise program geared for all seniors, ranging from the fit to those with disabilities. The curriculum includes aerobic exercises as well as routines designed to enhance balance, build muscle strength and aid in performing daily tasks. Classes last 40-50 minutes.

4. Free Basic Computer Training for Seniors (Pre-registration required)
- “introduction to computers” on 12/10 at 1030am
- “word processing” on 1/14/2010 at 1030am and 1/28 at 1030am
- “internet” on 2/11/2010 at 1030am
- “on-line shopping” at 2/18/2010 at 1030am
- “on-line communication” on 3/4/2010 at 1030am and 3/18 at 1030am

5. Book Discussions
- 12/11/09 - All My Sons – Arthur Miller
- 1/29/10 – Martha Quest – Doris May Lessing
- 2/26/10 – August: Osage County – Tracy Letts
- 3/19/10 – The Road – Cormac McCarthy
- 4/23/10 – The Book of Salt – Monique Truong
- 5/14/10 – The Professor and the Madman – Simon Winchester
- 6/18/10 – The Moneychangers – Upton Sinclair

If you have any questions about any of these programs call the branch at 718-351-2977… and tell them the Civic Association sent you.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Best of Times; Worst of Times

The best of times… the worst of times. How else can I describe the past few days here in New Dorp?

The worst of times. Peter and Lillian Sabados killed on New Dorp Lane as they crossed the street on their way to Our Lady Queen of Peace Church on the eve of Thanksgiving. With so much to be thankful for, we are deprived of that joy as we mourn this tragic event.

Much less tragic but troubling nonetheless is the threat to Pouch Camp and its integral part of our Island’s Greenbelt. But how do we protect that land in these difficult financial times?

But wait. All is not lost.

It is also the best of times. The holiday season is upon us. New Dorp Lane is decked out with new holiday lights – brighter and more numerous than ever! What a magnificent scene at night! Make sure you journey on the Lane at night during this holiday season.

And new street toppings for some of our roads. First Street. Rose Avenue. Eighth Street. We can all do without extra bumps and potholes.

Our meeting in December will be on the 17th. We will review these and other issues of the neighborhood and celebrate the arrival of the holidays with a little party and good cheer. Instead of the usual holiday grab bag I am asking everyone to bring some items for our troops overseas. But more on that in the next blog entry.

Have news to share? Concerns? Comments? Email us at or call 718-979-6011.

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The History of Staten Island

Thinking about catching up on your knowledge of Staten Island? Then you want to look into these programs being offered by the SI Institute of Arts & Sciences:

The Staten Island Museum invites you to attend:

The History of Staten Island Part II

(Participation in The History of Staten Island Part I – NOT necessary!)

Sign up for the series or sign up for individual programs!

Tuesdays, January 5th – Transportation Staten Island Style: The Staten Island Ferry

Tuesday, January 12th – Institutionalization on Staten Island

Tuesday, January 19th – Our Environmental Past: The Museum, Parks, & Preserves

Tuesday, January 26th – Cultural Institutions and Historic Preservation on Staten Island

Tuesday, February 2nd – Historic Movie Houses/Movies Made on Staten Island

Programs begin at 7:00 p.m. at the History Archives & Library of the
Staten Island Museum,
Building H, Snug Harbor Cultural Center Campus,
1000 Richmond Terrace

Led by Staten Island Museum Curator of History, Patricia M. Salmon. Advance registration is required. Series cost: $12/$8 Museum members per program or $50/$30 Museum members for the series of five. Advance payments can be mailed to: Staten Island Museum , 75 Stuyvesant Place , Staten Island , NY , 10301 . Credit card payments accepted at 718/727-1135.

The Staten Island Museum has been fostering and sustaining the scientific and cultural heritage of Staten Island since 1881.

So mark your calendars and catch up on some of these programs.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, November 16, 2009

Meeting Notice, Streets, Cafe's and Laughs

Our monthly membership meeting will be this Thursday at 8pm at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Hall at 2750 Amboy Road. Our guest speaker will be from the 122 Precinct Community Affairs Department and will be speaking about holiday safety. Plan on attending and bring a neighbor.

We’ve seen a few of our streets milled in preparation for re-surfacing. Let’s hope the re-surfacing gets done before the cold and nasty weather gets here.

By the way, any deer sightings lately?

Have you had a chance to visit any of the new cafes on the Plaza? Dominick’s Bakery & Cafe and Alan & Andrews Café now provide a light dining option for us. Try them.

Speaking of dining, we dined at Restaurant on the Plaza on Thursday the 12th. It was part of our Dining Through New Dorp program. Wow… it was a wonderful night filled with good company and plenty of food. Thanks to Chris and his staff for making it such a joy.

And speaking of joy, Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club opened in the Lane Theatre on Friday the 13th. They also had two shows on Saturday. Did you get a chance to go? What did you think of the way the theatre looks? What did you think of the experience? Speak out. Let us know.

Have information you want to share with the community? Send us a email at or a voicemail at 718-979-6011 and we will help you spread the word!

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Preservation League Pasta Night

The Preservation League of Staten Island invites you to attend and enjoy:

Preservation Pasta Night, Saturday, November 14, 2009, 6 p.m.
Eltingville Lutheran Church , 300 Genesee Avenue , Staten Island.

Cost: $19.77 for adults/$4.95 for children 10 and under.
Adults will receive a complimentary glass of wine or beer.

Featuring the old world recipe of Grandma Angelina Fiorelli! Delicious pasta and meatballs, insalada mista, Italian bread, soft drinks, demitasse, coffee, tea, and desserts are included. Additional beer and wine will be available for sale.

The festivities will include a lively talk with the one and only Maria Fiorelli on The Italians of Staten Island !

Make checks out to the Preservation League of Staten Island and mail to Patricia Salmon, 45 Sawyer Avenue, Staten Island , New York , 10314 .

For information write to: or call Bonnie Nalwasky at 917/335-9917.

Seats are going fast!

Join us for this special fundraiser that enables the Preservation League of Staten Island to promote and advocate for Staten Island's historic built environment!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Elections Over? What do we do now?

With the elections behind us, what is there to look forward to - you ask? Well plenty if you happen to live in New Dorp. We have new places to eat and new sources of entertainment.

First. Let’s talk about food.

There are two new places on New Dorp Plaza that you can visit for a meal or late night snack. There is Dominick’s Bakery & Café at 31 New Dorp Plaza. It offers fresh bakery goods and an extensive lunch menu. Have questions? Call them at 718-351-0040.

Then there is Andrew and Alan’s Café located at 61-63 New Dorp Plaza. They also have a wide selection of pastries and a nice lunch menu Have questions? Call them at 718-667-9696.

My wife and I have eaten in both places and enjoyed them.

Then there is entertainment.

There is the opening of Uncle Vinnies Comedy Club located at 168 New Dorp Lane. The premiere show stars Gilbert Gottfried and has its auspicious beginning on Friday the 13th of November. On Saturday there will be two shows at 8 and 10 pm featuring Joey Kola. You can find out all you want to know about the venue at or you can call for info at 1-877-UNCLE-VIN.

And did you catch the Advance tonight (Thursday, Nov 5) ? There is mention of our last blog entry concerning deer in the neighborhood. And you heard it here first!!!

Share your news about the neighborhood and I will share it will all in this blog. Write to or call 718-979-6011.

So enjoy New Dorp… it’s a wonderful place to live!

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh Deer... Literally !!

I wanted to share an incredible story that I was told tonight at the Community Board meeting. Last Thursday morning, a colleague was waiting for the 15X express bus at Amboy Road and First Street when he was suddenly confronted by a large male deer. Yep, a full-antlered, multi-point buck. There was a brief moment of indecision for my friend as he was confronted with this relative of sweet Bambi. What do you do? The animal is significantly larger than you are. And there is no place to hide. Fortunately he was rescued by the approaching express bus which provided the necessary shelter.

This same person said that a few days earlier his wife had seen a large male deer at the top of New Dorp Lane by the gas station. Was that deer also waiting for the bus? Do we need to supply our deer population with Metrocards? Or will we need to provide shelters at the bus stops to protect our citizens? Perhaps the merchants are planning on gracing the Lane with live reindeer this holiday season instead of the traditional streetlights. Wow.

You have to love this neighborhood!

> Joe Markowski

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meeting Notice (Its Tomorrow Oct 15)) and other Comments

So here comes the second newsletter of the new year and we are already feeling the first touches of Autumn. It is dark in the morning when we rise and the sun sets so much earlier than it did just a few short weeks ago. I don’t know what it is about sunlight but its absence makes everything seem not quite as full of life.

The newsletter last month was a little different from the usual fare. It was more of a call for some dialogue or a quest for suggestions than anything else. And in all candor it did not elicit a great outpouring of comments or suggestions.

I ended my remarks last month by asking for three things. Well, our membership renewal envelopes have been mailed so I hope you will take out a few minutes and renew your commitment to this community. I then asked that you let me know what you think. Hey, don’t be bashful. Let me have it! What ideas do you have? And lastly I asked each of you to pass along the enclosed membership form to a neighbor and ask them to join. Remember? Let me refresh your memory.

I am going to ask you for three things:
Renew your membership in our organization. At $18 per year that is a little less than 5 cents per day.
Let me know what you think. What ideas do you have for this organization? Leave a voicemail at 718-979-6011… or send a note to… NDCCA, PO Box 060245, SI, NY 10306… or send an email to Speak up! Share your thoughts and suggestions.
Pass the enclosed membership application to someone in the New Dorp area and encourage them to join.

Our guest speaker this month will be David Shear from LifeWorks. What is LifeWorks? It is a Wellness Arts Center providing holistic healthcare for body, mind, heart, and spirit. What does all that mean and how does it pertain to you? Come join us and find out. Thursday. October 15. 8pm at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road.

We have set up our next Dining Through New Dorp event. As you recall, we started this program over fifteen years ago in May 1994 as a way of supporting the restaurants in our neighborhood while providing our members and their family and friends an opportunity to get together socially for food and good conversation. Over those years we have purchased over 1300 meals and spent over $32 thousand on our restaurants. So plan now on joining us.We will be eating at Restaurant On the Plaza at 50 New Dorp Plaza on Thursday November 12 – not Wednesday November 11 as originally mentioned - at 7pm.
What will we be eating? Assorted hot appetizers, antipasto salad, an assortment of pizzas, soda, coffee, tea and desert… all for $23 per person. Mark your calendars and plan now on joining us. Call Linda at 718-351-3714 to make your reservation.

An article in October 7th’s NYTimes talks about declining involvement in our civic life. Specifically it talks about the poor turnout for the runoff in the Democratic primary. In a number of polling districts not a single voter showed up. Zero. None. Let’s make sure we do not suffer the same fate here in our community.

I sometimes worry about these appeals. Isn’t it like preaching to the choir? Well, I need you to sing aloud the need for civic involvement and invite your neighbors to join. The more voices the smoother and richer the sound.

Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood…

Joe Markowski

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 15, 2009 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post, 2750 Amboy Rd at 8pm.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

More Movie Info

Speaking of entertainment and films, there is some equipment temporarily being placed on the former Frank's/A&P/Waldbaum's property on NDLane that is being used by Columbia Pictures. They are filming a movie - starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg (?) - at various locations throughout Staten Island and they needed a spot to locate some of their equipment for a short period of time. Thought you might like to know.

> Joe

Excitement in New Dorp: Movies and Parades

And for those of you who do not feel there is enough excitement in our neighborhood, how about the movie they are filming on Sterling Avenue by Clawson? It’s for a Feature Film Production entitled “The Other Guys”. Current plans call for them to be taking everything down on Friday.

Sunday is the 19th Annual Columbus Day Parade up New Dorp Lane sponsored by Borough President Jim Molinaro. Plan now on watching this wonderful event which starts at 1pm at New Dorp High School. The Grand Marshall this year is the Honorable Thomas D’Addone , Mayor of Crespina, Italy. Make sure we line the streets of the Lane as we welcome this wonderful event.

Lastly, our dues envelopes are in the mail. Please renew your membership and invite a neighbor to join. This is a terrific community and we need to remain strong and protect it.

Have news to share? Need a membership application? Leave a message at 718-979-6011 or email us at

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

SIAdvance, Alzheimer's and Dining

I hope you had a chance to catch the article in last Sunday’s SI Advance about Anne Finnerty, her late husband Bill and her bus driver friend. Ann is currently a member of Community Board #2 and the former President of the New Dorp Central Civic Association. Make sure you check it out.

There will be an Alzheimer’s Walk this weekend on Sunday October 4 at Pouch Camp at 1465 Manor Road at 0930 am (the rain date is Oct 11). For more information call the Alzheimer Foundation at 718-667-7110.

We have set up our next Dining Through New Dorp event. As you recall, we started this program over fifteen years ago in May 1994 as a way of supporting the restaurants in our neighborhood while providing our members and their family and friends an opportunity to get together socially for food and good conversation. Over those years we have purchased over 1300 meals and spent over $32 thousand on our restaurants. So plan now on joining us.

We will be eating at Restaurant On the Plaza at 50 New Dorp Plaza on Wednesday November 11 at 7pm. What will we be eating?
• assorted hot appetizers
• antipasto salad
• an assortment of pizzas
• soda, coffee, tea and desert…
• all for $23 per person.
Mark your calendars and plan now on joining us. Call Linda at 718-351-3714 to make your reservation.

Heard anything new? Give us a call at 718-979-6011 or drop us a line at

See you around the neighborhood.

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alas! Summer Moves On!

Then summer came to an end. Maybe not technically ended – that will happen on the 22nd. But we all know that once school resumes in September the end of summer cannot be far behind. And a strange summer it was - filled with rain at the start and nice days at the end.

As we begin our 33rd year as a Civic Association there is much to ponder.

What has been happening in our neighborhood? I can remember when I was associated with the 122 Pct Community Council. I said that I would welcome the day when we had a meeting and no one came because there were no issues to discuss.

Can the same thing be said about a neighborhood? Perhaps not because good things can also be happening in a neighborhood and a neighborhood such as ours is in a constant state of change.

• Shall we talk about the PS41 schoolyard?
• Or the new Sports Bar on New Dorp Lane across from Miller Field?
• Or the new car service also on New Dorp Lane across from Miller Field?
• Perhaps you noticed the new tennis courts being installed at S.I. Technical High School?
• Or the closing of Ocean3 and its new paint job? And a new restaurant?
• Could you be thinking about New Dorp Beach and the nice spread in the SI Advance about the history of that area… something that we experienced firsthand at our May meeting?
• Or the recent story (also in the SI Advance) about Cedar Grove and its unique status in Staten Island?
• And then there was the return of Pathmark.
• And a comedy club coming to the old Lane Theatre.

A lot is happening in our neighborhood – even in the best of times

Then there is the whole issue of membership in an organization such as ours. We face enormous challenges. We need to find better ways of spreading the word and involving our citizens.

• How do we reach the parents of our schoolkids who have such a large vested interest in our community?
• How do we squeeze ourselves into their busy schedule? They are already involved in their kids’ sports programs and music programs and who knows what else.
• How do we ask them to give us a night a month when there are no extra nights? How do we reach them?
• As our membership ages, how do we get those younger community members involved? That is a major challenge of this and every organization.
• Whenever a major challenge or threat surfaces, everyone comes out of their house to protest and fight the beast! But once the beast is met, everyone returns to their regular life. Can that behavior be changed?
• How do we involve everyone in the neighborhood when there is no common information source for the neighborhood? Newspapers once filled that role but we have seen their use decline.
• How much can we depend on the new electronic outlets? Websites? Blogs (such as ours)? And what will come next? How do we link all these people together and support the needs of this neighborhood?

I am going to ask you for three things:
1. Renew your membership in our organization. At $18 per year that is a little less than 5 cents per day.
2. Let me know what you think. What ideas do you have for this organization? Leave a voicemail at 718-979-6011… or send a note to… NDCCA, PO Box 060245, SI, NY 10306… or send an email to Speak up! Share your thoughts and suggestions.
3. Pass the enclosed membership application to someone in the New Dorp area and encourage them to join.

Thank you for your interest in our neighborhood. You live here. You know why it is a respected and desirable community. Be proud of it.

See you around the neighborhood…

Joe Markowski

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mrs. Rosemary

We mourn the passing of a wonderful lady who made our neighborhood a better place and enriched the lives of thousands of dancers. Our condolences to her family.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Beach and Other Things

What a glorious weekend we just had. The weather was such a treat after days of clouds, drizzle and rain.

I journeyed down to New Dorp Beach Park and walked some of the paths down to the waters edge. Then I strolled along the beach looking for signs of hotels and hospitals like the ones Josh Jakob had spoken of at our meeting. I tried to imagine the enormous structures that stood at those locations. I let my eyes follow the pilings out into the water, imagining the piers used by the hotels and hospitals. It was fascinating.

I felt I stood atop large concrete slabs that once held the St.John's Guild Hospital in place. Was I right in that imagining? And long lengths of pipe that once channeled water into the ocean.

Now the beach can surely use help. Oodles of bottles and other plastic junk marred the shoreline. But I look at the beach as a disheveled friend, cherished but one that could use just a little cleaning up.

I then crossed the street and looked up at the structure designed as the latest Elmtree light. And I looked at the structure which I was lead to believe was used to look out for German submarines during WWII. The timing was amazing, it being the weekend we remembered the invasion of Normandy. The structure looks very WWII. And it still stands guard to this day.

As for NDBeach Park, many of the colorful flowers we looked at last year are missing. Hopefully the Parks Department will find some to grace the spray area.

Tomorrow morning I'm hoping to witness the ribbon-cutting of the new playground for PS41. Have you seen it lately? It looks terrific!

And lastly, Alberta Brescia will be at our next meeting on June 18... talking to us about "kicking the smoking habit" as well as other cancer-related concerns.

But for now, I'm remembering the wonderful view of the ocean, the breeze, the solitude and the wonder that is our beach.

Stay in touch.

> Joe Markowski

Thursday, June 4, 2009

POSTPONED !!!!! Boardwalk Bash Health and Fun Fair - Friday, June 5, 2009

I wanted to share this email we received from CB#2:

The 6th Annual Boardwalk Bash, a health and fun fair, is scheduled for Friday, June 5 from 10 am to 1 pm in Midland Beach near the Turtle Fountain, Jefferson Avenue and Fr. Capodanno Blvd. The annual health and information forum gives senior citizens and their families the opportunity to learn about a wide range of programs and services that can benefit them.

The event is sponsored by Assemblywoman Janelle Hyer-Spencer and is produced in cooperation with North Shore SIUH, Health Plus, the city Parks Department, the FDNY and the NYPD.
Debra A. Derrico
District Manager, Community Board Two

Monday, June 1, 2009

What a Meeting !!!

Our meeting focusing on things related to New Dorp Beach was a terrific night and a wonderful experience for everyone who was there... and the hall was full! We chatted about the sports bar at 702 and Dom Griffo the owner answered everyone's questions about what he intended to run there. We talked about the car service moving into 658 NDLane and we were treated to an amazing presentation by Josh Jakob who walked us through the history of NDBeach in word and photo. I think we all learned a few new things about New Dorp Beach.

We are pursuing additional information on the second phase of the New Dorp Beach Park plan which involves bike paths along the waterway. We are also checking on the athletic field proposed in honor of John D'Amato.

As they used to say... stay tuned.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, May 18, 2009

Meeting Thursday Night - New Dorp Beach Month !!!

Greetings. Well, I don’t know about you, but the rain and lousy weather of late have made me long for the summer time. And when I think of the summer I think of the beach. So what better time than now to have our salute to New Dorp Beach.

Founded in 1976, our Association’s charter runs from Grant City to Oakwood, and from Egbertville to the Atlantic Ocean. It includes New Dorp Beach and we will celebrate that fact with New Dorp Beach Month !!!

This month we will have a special guest – Joshua Jakob - who will provide us with a “History of New Dorp Beach”. He will be bringing his research and knowledge and photos of the beach area. So mark your calendar now, call your friends from the beach area and plan to be at our meeting so you can hear his presentation, share your knowledge and experiences and get your questions answered.

We will also be visited by Dominick Griffo who will be opening a sports bar at 702 New Dorp Lane, across from Field #4 at Miller Field. Mr. Griffo already successfully manages the Broadwalk Bar on Hylan Blvd. So come hear what he has in mind and let him answer your questions first hand.

We can also talk about the car service that will be returning to New Dorp and will work out of 658 New Dorp Lane.

Or maybe you will want to talk about New Dorp Beach Park… or the second phase of that project… or the proposed football field.

Yep, there is quite a bit of activity happening in New Dorp Beach and we will be talking about all of that at our next meeting.

We will meet on the third Thursday of this month. Our meeting is Thursday, May 21, 2009 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road. We will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Come. Join us. And… bring a neighbor!!!... especially one who lives in New Dorp Beach!!!

And… remember to check us on-line at

See you around the neighborhood, stay safe and enjoy each day!

Joe Markowski

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More on 658 New Dorp Lane

The owner of New Richmond Car Service will be bringing a fleet of ten cars to the 658 location. Those vehicles currently operate out of Bay Street. He formerly operated in New Dorp but moved out about three years ago when the building he was operating out of was sold. Now he wants to return to this community.

The building at 658 contains King Deli as well as a small office to the right which he will be occupying. His vehicles will have use of the side parking lot when they are not on the road. Many of the vehicles are driven to their home at the end of each shift so there should not be a parking problem. No servicing or washing of the vehicles will happen on the premises.

We expressed concern about the temptation his drivers will have to go down Finley to enter the parking lot. (Finley is a one-way street emptying into NDL.) The parking lot is surrounded by a six foot high solid wooden fence and provides no visibility from Finley to NDL or vice versa. We are concerned that someone will be trying to exit Finley and will meet a car entering Finley to access the lot... and they will meet head-on. That would be a painful experience for both his driver and our resident.

This issue will be taken up with the owner of the building. There is a very definite safety issue here and we expect this issue to be addressed before we can feel comfortable with this move.

We expect to hear what action, if any, will be taken to resolve this problem within the next few weeks. The owner of the car service is looking for support from Community Board 2 before the end of the month when the Taxi and Limousine Commission will be meeting. Our civic association cannot endorse this action without some resolution to this traffic concern.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, May 4, 2009

When It Rains... It Pours !!!

First there was mention of the carnival in April... then talk of a Sports Bar at 702 New Dorp Lane... then comes a Comedy Club in the old Lane Theatre... followed by rumors of possible new stores in the Hylan Blvd area... while burglers are scowering the Grant City and New Dorp area... then comes the closing of the Ocean3 Restaurant (?)... and that leads us to where?

Now a car service will move into 658 New Dorp Lane (a former New Dorp business looking to return) ... to be followed by another carnival in the Frank's property from May 15 to May 25... as the Flea Market returns...

For so long quiet... now things are bursting out all over.

Ah... be careful what you wish for.

Our next meeting is May 21 with many of the topics focused on New Dorp Beach, such as, the History of New Dorp Beach presentation, discussion about 702 New Dorp Lane and now 658 New Dorp Lane.

Plan on attending our meeting. Bring a neighbor.

> Joe Markowski

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Updates on the Comedy Club, Sports Bar and Safe Streets for Seniors

At our meeting last Thursday we heard from Dino Ibelli who is now working in the Lane Theatre preparing to make it "Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club". He gave us an overview of his hopes for the theatre and provided an overview of what he will be offering there - Comedy on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fundraisers on Sunday. Movies in 3D in Monday. He will have security at the venue and expects most shows to be over and the theatre vacated by 2am-ish.

Want to know more about this comedy club? Check out..

At our next meeting we will hear from Dominick Griffo who currently runs the bar "Under the Boardwalk" on Hylan Blvd. He will be opening a sports bar at 702 New Dorp Lane across from field 4 in Miller Field. Dominick hopes to be open for business by late summer. He will have wide screen televisions and a juke box. No live music.

Last night and throughout today on NY1 you saw the new project – Safe Streets for Seniors - by the Staten Island DOT. Borough Commissioner Tom Cocola presented the project at Community Board #2 last night. The designs will work to provide safer crossings of Hylan Blvd. for seniors and students. You can see all the details of the project at the DOT website. You can key the following to find additional details:

It would have been nice if the Aging Committee of CB2 had been given a heads-up on this project. They discussed safety for seniors on Hylan Blvd at length over the past few years focusing much of their discussion on getting the buses to alter their routes so that seniors would not have to cross Hylan Blvd to get to the shopping plazas. And it would have been nice if our Association had been contacted prior to the announcement. Indeed.

And remember, Joshua Jakob will be our guest speaker at our May meeting – May 21 – to talk about the History of New Dorp Beach. Yep, May 21 will focus mainly on New Dorp Beach.

Mark your calendars. Bring your neighbors.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

702 New Dorp Lane Update

Tonight at the Area 2 Committee meeting of Community Board 2 we heard from the man who is planning on opening a sports bar at 702 New Dorp Lane. His name is Dominick Griffo and he is the current owner of Boardwalk Pub at 1719 Hylan Blvd.

We have checked with both CB2 and the 122 Precinct and Mr.Griffo has run a very reputable operation at 1719 Hylan.

His current plan is to purchase the building at 702 NDL along with his brother. He will be living there in one of the two apartments on the second floor. He expects the establishment to hold between 100 and 110 people although no formal floor plans have been drafted.

He can set up the establishment at 702 "as of right".

... and he has offered to attend our May meeting and explain his proposal to our Association.

Would you be interested in having him at our meeting?

We are already scheduled to have Joshua Jakob speak on the history of New Dorp Beach... so May 21 will be New Dorp Beach night at the Civic Association.

Mark your calendars. Plan on attending the meeting with your concerns and interests.

Let me know what you think.

> Joe Markowski

Monday, April 13, 2009

Its April and Our Meeting Is Thursday

Greetings… well they say that April showers bring mayflowers… (and we all know what mayflowers bring… ) So enough already. Bring on the warmer weather!

This month we will hear from someone who is interested in opening a Comedy Club in the Lane Theatre – Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club. Dino Ibelli and his brother already operate two clubs/restaurants in New Jersey and are looking to open a location here on Staten Island. Plan on attending and bring your neighbors and friends. It is a chance for you to get answers to your questions and make your views known.

In May we will have a special guest – Joshua Jakob - who will provide us with a history of the New Dorp Beach area. So mark your calendar now and plan to be at our meetings so you can hear these presentations and get your questions answered.

I have asked… What will you do to strengthen this organization and make its voice more robust? Share your ideas and thoughts with us. Send an email to or leave a voicemail at

Lastly, we continued our Dining Through New Dorp program March 24 with a visit to King’s Chef. It was our 46th meal in support of our neighborhood restaurants and good conversation. See chitchat for details.

We meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month. Our meeting this month is Thursday, April 16, 2009 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road. We will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Come. Join us. And… bring a neighbor!

See you around the neighborhood, stay safe and enjoy each day!

Joe Markowski

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oceans, Comedy, Sports, Ferries and a Carnival... Oh My !

Its time to catch up on a few things from around the neighborhood:

1. Ocean 3. The NYPD informed us at our meeting last week that they were being evicted from their presence on Richmond Road. That's good news for the community and the surrounding neighborhood.

2. The proposed operator of a comedy club at the Lane Theatre - Uncle Vinnie's Comedy Club - will be addressing the membership of our Association on Thursday April 16. Plan now on attending and bring your questions.

3. A new sports bar is proposed for 702 New Dorp Lane. Any questions or concerns?

4. "Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry" - six short plays from around the US about our favorite boats - is playing at the New Dorp Moravian Church on March 27, 28 at 8pm and the 29th at 3pm. For reservations call the Sundog Theatre at 718-816-5453.

5. And a carnival is scheduled for the Frank's property from April 2 to April 12.

Yep... there is a lot happening in our neighborhood.

What are your concerns?

What have you heard about?

Let us know.

> Joe Markowski

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Meeting Coming Soon !!!

Greetings… I wonder if all of you are feeling like I am right now, namely, enough of this winter stuff. Lets move on to Spring.!

Our guest speakers last month talked about Crime Prevention, volunteer activities / community service activities for high school students and the various offerings under the Medicare programs. They were full of information and ideas for us.

Our guest speakers this month will be from the American Heart Society and I expect they will focus on our hearts. Our other guest speaker will be from the 122 Precinct’s Community Affairs Division and they will provide us with an update on the burglaries which have been occurring in the Grant City – New Dorp area. You won’t want to miss either presentation.

Next month we will hear from a person who is interested in opening a Comedy Club in the Lane Theatre. Plan now on attending and bringing your neighbors and friends. It is a chance for you to get answers to your questions and make your views known.

And in May we will have a special guest who will provide us with a history of the New Dorp Beach area.

So start marking your calendars now and plan to be at our meetings so you can hear these presentations and get your questions answered.

I asked you last month: What will you do to strengthen this organization and make its voice more robust? Share your ideas and thoughts with us.

Lastly, we will resume our Dining Through New Dorp program on March 24 with a visit to King’s Chef. It will be our 46th meal in support of our neighborhood restaurants and good conversation. Interested? Email us at and we will save you a seat.

We meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month. Our meeting this month is Thursday, March 19, 2009 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road. We will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Come. Join us. And… bring a neighbor!

See you around the neighborhood, stay safe and enjoy each day!

> Joe Markowski

Be a Docent for the Conference House Museum in Tottenville

The office administrator at the Conference House Museum in Tottenville is looking for volunteer docents to help with weekend tours of the Conference House and, later this fall, they hope, with tours of the 1950s Rutan House. Docents (tour guides) don’t need to be experienced—they’re looking for people with an interest in history and good interpersonal skills.

If you are interested or want more information call 718-984-0415 or email

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb 19 Meeting Followup - Crime Prevention

As promised, here is some more information from our meeting. Trish Curulli from the 122's Crime Prevention Unit offered us these suggestions for safeguarding your house:
1. Make sure your doors and door frames are solid.
2. Your locks should be a dead bolt with a highly pick resistant cylinder. You should protect the cylinder with a guard plate and use a licensed locksmith.
3. Make sure the locks on your windows work... and that you use them.
4. Motion-sensitive lighting around the perimeter of your house is very effective.
5. Use timers in the house with variable times.
6. Shrubbery should not obstruct your view from inside or outside.
7. Air conditioners should be secured to the window opening so they cannot be pulled out or pushed in.
8. If your garage is attached to your house, treat it just as securely.
9. Alarms can be helpful... but only if they are activated.

You can also get your valuable possessions, such as, televisions and laptops, etched so they are identifiable as yours. Call 718-667-2266 to make arrangements.

And you can have a survey done of your house to identify potential security risks.

Lastly, as we have said many, many times, if you see something, say something. Call the 122 Precinct desk at 718-667-2241 to report your concern.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feb 19 Meeting Followup - Medicare

As promised, here is some more information from Eric Hausman, our speaker from the Dept of the Aging who spoke on Medicare.

First of all, he said if you ever have a question about medicare and its coverage call 311 and ask for "medicare". There are different "parts" to medicare covering different aspects of health care. There also exists coverage for the gap between what medicare covers and the deductible.

There is also coverage for drugs. Unfortunately there are 51 different plans in NY state and that can be quite confusing. Yet if you call 311 and ask for "medicare" there are counselors who can work with you to identify the most appropriate plan for the medication you need. You can also call 1-800-medicare or check it out on-line at

And there is also help for people on a low income.

If you have questions... call... and ask.

Our next meeting update will be about some upcoming programs at the New Dorp Branch Library... to be followed by info from a 122Precinct Crime Prevention officer... to be followed by an update about the activities of "Where to Turn".

So keep checking in regularly for information important to our neighborhood!

> Joe Markowski

Monday, February 23, 2009

WARNING - BAD GUYS in the Neighborhood

Neighbors... if you haven't heard on CBS radio or read in the SI Advance there are some bad people operating in our neighborhood.

You can help by reporting any unusual or suspicious activities on our streets to 911 or the 122 Precinct at 718-667-2241.

Tell your neighbors. We all need to be on the lookout.

Here is the article that appeared in today's Advance:

Heartless thieves steal priceless memories
Burglars have hit New Dorp homes at least 8 times since December, twice making off with wedding bands

Monday, February 23, 2009


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A pair of burglars who have struck homes all over New Dorp aren't just making off with televisions, jewelry and cash -- at least twice, they swiped wedding bands, victims said.

"That was heartbreaking to me," said a Locust Avenue widow whose husband of 42 years died in 2004. "They took things I never expected to lose, things I can't replace".

The burglars have broken into at least eight homes in New Dorp since Dec. 3, and most recently on Feb. 10. Usually they use a garbage pail or some other low-rent tactic to reach a rear window, police said.

Frank Frascati's Otis Avenue home was broken into just a few weeks ago, when what are believed to be the same pair got in through a rear window, and they stole his wedding band from a 20-year marriage.

"I was upset, but what are you gonna do?" he said.

Some of the break-ins happened in the middle of the day while others, like the Feb. 10 burglary that led to a security camera taking the thieves' pictures, occurred at night, police said.

The burglars have struck three homes on Bancroft Avenue; twice on Otis Avenue, and once each on Bryant, Bache and Locust avenues over the last two months, police said. At their last job on Bancroft, a home surveillance camera caught the duo on video.

The string of burglaries around New Dorp is at least the fourth ongoing burglary pattern on Staten Island.

Police are trying to crack groups of related burglaries in the Todt Hill and Emerson Hill area, West Brighton and on the South Shore.

Police are asking anyone with information to call the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS; they can also log on to the Web site at or text their tips to 274637 (crimes) then enter TIP577.
Phil Helsel is a news reporter for the Advance. He may be reached at

If you see something, say something.

> Joe Markowski

Friday, February 20, 2009

Meeting Highlights and Surprises

Its early Friday morning... coming up on 5am... and I just wanted to get a few quick comments out there to update you on our meeting last night. It turned out to be a session full of speakers ( one planned and three wonderful surprises ) and I want to start getting some of their information and comments out there before we get into the heart of today.

We heard from Eric Hausman from the NYC Department of Aging who spoke to us about Medicare, its various "parts" and the alternatives that a person has in providing themselves with coverage. More about that later. We heard from Dennis McKeon who is the Executive Director of "Where to Turn" who spoke about the various projects and efforts his organization is involved in. More on that later. We heard from Yolanda Gleason of the New Dorp Branch Library who spoke to us about upcoming Albany Day and the many various programs at the New Dorp branch for people of all ages - from toddlers to seniors. More about them later. And we heard from Trish Curulli from the 122 Precinct's Crime Prevention Unit who spoke to us about keeping our houses safe especially in light of the recent burglaries in our neighborhood. More of her tips on keeping our property safe later. Wow... a lot of info to share and we will be putting it out here for you in our upcoming blog entries.

We also talked about the various things in the neighborhood that we will be following up on and exploring this year - from the outbreak of outdoor dining to the Frank's Nursery property to the effect of Ocean3 on its neighbors to flooding in New Dorp Beach to the new playground at PS41 to Congressman McMahon opening an office on New Dorp Lane to the intersection of New Dorp Lane and Hylan Blvd which has already had 38 accidents since January 1st.

Yep... a lot to talk about. So keep checking in regularly over the upcoming days as we share that information with you.

Lastly... and it remains very true today... if you see something, say something. See some suspicious activity on your block? Call the NYPD. See something in our neighborhood that you are curious about or doesn't look right? Call us at 718-979-6011 or email us at or or leave a comment here.

Together we can protect and enhance our community... but it will take all of us. Be part of the solution.

> Joe Markowski

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February Meeting Coming Up

Greetings… we begin our meetings this winter with wildly varying temperatures and an economy that is hurting… effecting the businesses in our neighborhood and our neighbors… for they too are hurting. It is a time to look out for one another, care for one another and be supportive of our community for these are difficult times. Remember last year? We saw wild temperature swings and stock market swings of hundreds of points daily and thousands of points over the course of the year. And the madness continues!

Our guest speaker this month will be from the NYC Department of the Aging. The focus will be on long term care and Medicare. Come and get educated.

What do you want your Association to get involved in this year? You will find a number of things listed inside… but don’t be bashful. Reach out to us and share your concerns and let us work with you to find answers. You can find our most current updates on the blog. Check it regularly. And remember to reach out to us if you have information that is important to the community.

What will you do to strengthen this organization and make its voice more robust? Share your ideas and thoughts with us. Email us at or or comment here.

We will resume our Dining Through New Dorp program next month with a visit to King’s Chef. It will be our 46th meal in support of our neighborhood restaurants and good conversation. Look inside for details.

This is our first meeting for 2009. We will meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month. Our meeting this month is Thursday, February 19, 2009 at the Kells-Grennie American Legion Post at 2750 Amboy Road. We will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Come. Join us. And… bring a neighbor!

See you around the neighborhood, stay safe and enjoy each day!

Joe Markowski

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Warning About a Scam !

Resident reports scam in Staten Island's Dongan Hills section
by Staten Island Advance
Monday January 26, 2009, 4:55 PM

There appears to be a new scam Staten Islanders need to be wary of.

The perpetrators have been ringing door bells in Dongan Hills during evening hours claiming to be Con Edison workers needing to check electric bills, a resident reported to the office of Councilman James Oddo.

When notified by the politician, Con Edison said its workers check customer bills through computer databases and do not ring bells asking to see them.

Furthermore, employees of the utility do not visit customers at night without an appointment or on an emergency basis.

Con Edison urged customers to ask to see a photo identification card, which all employees carry, or ask for a phone number for the employee's supervisor.

"Unfortunately, unscrupulous individuals are out there and we should all be exceedingly wary at all times," Oddo said in a press release. "Take appropriate caution to protect yourself against scammers who are only interested in stealing your money."

Earlier this month, the Advance reported on a band of thieves posing as employees of the city's Department of Environmental Protection who were attempting to talk their way into Staten Island homes.

Those perpetrators told homeowners they needed to check out pipes or collect money for unpaid water bills.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

122 Pct Community Council Update & More

Last night at the 122 Pct Community Council meeting at the 122 station house a location in New Dorp got a lot of discussion. Ocean 3 - formerly Portofino Restaurant - is apparently causing a lot of grief for neighbors on the surrounding streets. (Reminds us of the problems the neighbors of Bistro had.)The NYPD assured the residents that the location is being closely monitored and invited those neighbors to return next month and report on the results.

And... in today's Advance is mention that the King Kullen (formerly Pathmark Supermarket) is closing creating a large vacancy in our neighborhood. Not good.

Then there is the new sign on the Frank's property offering various sized storefronts for rent. Sounds like a strip mall to me. Not sure I like that.

And lastly the Borough President is giving his State-of-the-Borough address tonight at CSI. We will have to read in the papers tomorrow about what he said. Guess there was no room at the inn for all the Civic Associations.

> Joe Markowski, President

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No Meeting This Month... However...

... if you have some time and some issues of concern you can attend the 122 Pct Community Council meeting at the 122Pct at 8pm on Wednesday night January 21.

And as always, you should bring your issues and concerns to us at or

See something? Say something.

> Joe Markowski

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brain Tumor Screening

The Road to Early Detection Campaign to Come to Staten Island

Brain tumor screening truck to provide free MRI screenings to Staten Islanders from January 12 to 26 in the Staten Island Mall parking lot. Staten Islanders are urged to call 877-SCAN NYC (877-722-6692)to schedule free screenings.

Staten Island, NY – The Road to Early Detection, a project of The Brain Tumor Foundation (BTF) will provide free brain tumor screenings for Staten Islanders in their “Bobby Murcer Mobile MRI Unit” on weekdays from January 12 – 26. The Mobile Unit will be parked in the Staten Island Mall parking lot on the Richmond Avenue side. Staten Islanders should call the toll free number 877-SCAN NYC (877-722-6692) to schedule an appointment for a free screening, which will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the 14 days the Unit will be on Staten Island. The scan takes approximately 8 minutes and appointments will be scheduled every thirty minutes. Those coming for a screening should bring their primary care physician’s contact information so that results can be sent to the primary care physician.

Sponsored by the New York City Council and supported by Councilman Oddo.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy New Year! Yes, we have begun a new year and I wish everyone a healthy and safe new year.

Just a reminder... there will be no meeting in January. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 19, 2009. Mark your calendar and bring a neighbor.

As always, you can bring your issues to us and we will work with you to find a resolution. We will honor your request to remain anonymous but we will need to discuss the matter personally with you before we go making any claims. We cannot and will not put forth unsubstantiated claims or charges.

Reach out to us at or Or you can call and leave a message at 718-979-6011.

You can be an important part of what happens in this neighborhood by sharing any information you gather with us. As the MTA says... if you see something, say something. And we can explore it together.

This is our community. Lets protect it and enhance it... and lets have a wonderful 2009.